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BS 7.0 Control Unit

The BS 7.0 is the standard fiber optic mainline control unit, supporting High Definition cables and optic camera systems. Matching the same shape as its sibling the BS 3.5, these controllers feature a small main unit that is easily mountable under the desk or in any electronic control rack. The remote control board acts as your diagnostic and control interface. All system functions are easily accessed by this small desktop unit. System information is displayed on a color LCD touchscreen while camera and tractor movements, focus, iris, cruise control and lateral launch commands are controlled from the dual, multi-axis joysticks. The BS 7.0 controller is the standard fiber optic controller. This controller functions exactly like the BS 3.5 controller, but includes larger power supplies and supports mainline fiber optic systems like PANORAMO and PANORAMO SI.

FEATURES BP 1/BP 2/BP 100 BS 10.0 BS 3.5 BS 7.0 BS 5.0
Pushrod Control ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Portable w/ Digital Recording ✔
Mounting Portable or Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
Lateral Launch Control ✔ ✔ ✔
Tractor Control ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
PANORAMO Control ✔ ✔
Text Entry (On Screen Display) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Fiber Optic Reel Control ✔ ✔
Up to 2000′ Cable Support ✔
High-Definition Capable ✔ ✔

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