Guzzler Vacuum Trucks are the world leader in industrial vacuum loaders and equipment, and our equipment is hard at work in the world’s most punishing applications. Their trucks are designed to vacuum everything from solids and dry bulk powders to liquids, slurries, and thick sludge, offering the widest range of offloading options available.
Tackling the toughest jobs on earth,
Guzzler Vacuum Trucks
Guzzler equipment in virtually every industrial setting:
- Aluminum plants
- Bridge painting removal
- Cement plants
- Chemical plants
- Coal plants
- Factories
- Foundries
- Glass manufacturing
- Grain elevators
- Hydroexcavation
- Lime plants
- Material processing plants
- Metal mining
- Oil and gas field service
- Phosphate plants
- Power plants
- Pulp and paper mills
- Railroads
- Shipyards and docks
- Steel mills
- Waste-to-energy plants
Guzzler equipment shines doing your diriest jobs:
- Ballast cleaning and recovery along rails
- Clean up and recovering valuable raw materials
- Cleaning and recovering liquids, slurries and thick sludge
- Elevator pit cleaning
- Frac tank cleaning
- Industrial cleaning
- Microtrenching
- Material reclamation and recovery for reuse
- Underground spoils removal
- Natural disaster cleanup
- Non-destructive digging
- Oil tank cleaning
- Potholing
- Removing accumulations from remote and inaccessible locations
- Removing drilling mud from oil and gas sites
- Removing wet and dry materials, including fine powders and silts
- Sewer/Drainage
- Slot-cut trenching
- Underground utility locating
- Waste Management/Disposal
Guzzler industrial vacuum loaders can help you clean, remove, recover and recycle all kinds of materials:
- Cement
- Chemicals
- Debris
- Drill mud
- Dry bulk powders
- Fine dust
- Fly ash
- Grains
- Industrial spills
- Liquids
- Oils
- Sawdust
- Slurries
- Solids
- Thick sludge