Operators in 40+ countries around the world trust DICA engineered products to help keep their people and equipment safe, have ongoing predictable performance, and eliminate their replacement pad costs. JDC’s got your back with all things DICA.
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Building a Better Outrigger Pad
DICA is family-owned and operated company, our products are proudly Made in the USA and are used in 20+ countries and on 6 continents around the world.
DICA has specialized in building a better outrigger pad since 1988. By creating engineered solutions for improving equipment stability and ergonomic safety, DICA is leading the way in product innovation for outrigger pads and crane mats.
The proprietary engineered material of SafetyTech Outrigger Pads makes them unbreakable.
In comparison to wood outrigger pads, Safety Tech Outrigger Pads constructed of engineered thermoplastic are impervious to rot, absorption and delimitation and are guaranteed against splintering, cracking and breaking because of their reliable molecular, strength and stiffness properties. Simply put, SafetyTech Outrigger Pads won’t fail and are backed by a replacement guarantee – something wood outrigger pad never have.
We have thousands of customers who’ve shared the confidence they have operating equipment that’s riding on SafetyTech Outrigger Pads. That kind of confidence brings value that makes a difference. Because of these reasons and more, DICA products are used on 6 continents and 38 countries. They can frequently be found in some of the most demanding work environments including NASA, Atomic Laboratories, DOT, DOE, military, commercial construction, utility transmission and distribution, oil and gas exploration and processing and many others.
Whether wood outrigger pads are right for your business is a decision that’s up to you. We invite you to put us to the test and experience the SafetyTech Outrigger Pad difference.

Wood outrigger pads typically have a lower up-front cost but come with significant limitations.
Wood is a natural material that can easily crack, break or splinter when put into use. Once in the field, a wood outrigger pad will experience significant stress from equipment loads, varying soil conditions and exposure to the elements such as water, heat, and cold. These environmental factors cause wood outrigger pads to degrade fairly quickly. Even the most advanced waterproofing methods will be compromised once the initial cracking of the wood fibers occurs. The photo at the top of the page was taken of wood outrigger pads in the arid environment of Saudi Arabia. Despite very low exposure to moisture, it’s easy to see how the wood has deteriorated. Continued use of these wood outrigger pads under load distribution pressure would risk the safety of both operators and equipment.
Due to these issues, it’s not uncommon for wooden crane mats to last for as little as one use and very few survive more than 1-2 years of consistent stress in the field. On a ten year timeline, a “best case” wood outrigger pad will need to be replaced up to five times. For a 24″x24″ pad used for small to mid-size outrigger-enabled equipment, the replacement cost for a wood outrigger pad will be $500.00 or more.